Where the Vikings came

Wednesday, we spent en route from Port Aux Basques to the very northwestern tip of Newfoundland, destination: L’Anse Aux Meadows National Historic Site, where there are the remains of an authenticated Viking encampment. It’s about an eight hour drive, and since our ferry had gotten in so late, we got a later start. But weContinueContinue reading “Where the Vikings came”

On top of the world and the bottom of the ocean

My feet have utterly given up on me. Toronto, at least the areas I explored today, is blessedly flat. I put 20 kilometres on ye olde feet today. Before dinner I had to hobble back to the hostel and put moleskin, along with socks and sneakers instead of my sandals, just to make it throughContinueContinue reading “On top of the world and the bottom of the ocean”